A ghoulish delight at the Haunted Happy Hour.
Last night we attended a "Haunted Happy Hour" at the 124-year-old Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, Colorado. The evening kicked off with a buffet (with such ghoulish items as Bat Wings and Grim Reapers Rib), presentation by two paranormal investigators, and ended with a ghost tour.
Paranormal Investigators
The photo gallery below begins with a picture of the former men's club room (now a meeting room) on the 4th floor of the Brown Palace where customers and employees have witnessed ghostly goings-on for decades, such as a well-dressed man (style from the 1920s) shaking a martini, then fading into the wall. The first picture shows the two paranormal investigators, who discussed their ghost-hunting equipment and told stories of their investigations at the Brown Palace, including the hauntings of the ladies restroom on the 4th floor. According to these guys, ladies restrooms in old hotels are haunted more often than the men's restrooms. Huh. I'm still pondering that one.
Haunting Photos
Photos in sequential order, starting with:
- The paranormal investigators and their equipment.
- A medium speaking as Louise Crawford Hill in the room where Louise died in 1955. The medium sat in a corner of the living room area, where Louise has purportedly been seen by employees and guests.
- The door of the Ladies restroom on the 4th floor, where ghosts have been seen by guests and employees.
- Room 904: The former apartment of Mrs. Crawford Hill.
- "Enter If You Dare" Welcome sign to the Haunted Happy Hour.
- A medium in room 846, where a young couple, dressed in 1920s style, have been seen by guests, employees, and the medium herself. The young ghostly wife apparently isn't happy with uninvited guests, as people's suitcases will suddenly dump onto the floor or their cell phones will fly through the air (and smash into a wall). Numerous guests have checked in...and quickly called the front desk that they want another room NOW.
- The Brown Palace historian, who provided additional historical details about the hotel and its former guests throughout the ghost tour.
- A phone from the 1930s in the ninth floor hallway. They keep it in working condition to go with the deco decor of the floor, immaculately maintained since the 1930s.
- Photograph of Louise Crawford Hill's residence in the 1930s before she moved into the Brown Palace Hotel. Portraits of her husband and her lover are on opposite walls (!).
- Several images of the buffet room & its ghoulish dishes.
- Bedroom of room 846, where the young wife ghost from the 1920s has been seen by guests, employees, and the medium. In fact, the medium swears the young wife-ghost once tried to lock the medium into the room (!).
- Double doors in the living room area of room 846. These doors currently open into an event room, which years ago was a ballroom. Overnight guests in room 846 have heard sounds of music and laughter in the middle of the night. One couple ventured down the hallway to the "party" with the intention to ask the partiers to "please keep it down"—but when they found the hallway door open to the event room, it was dark and empty.
- A darker, shadowy image of the medium who spoke as Louise Crawford Hill (the lights were low in the room as she spoke; the area behind the medium is where Louise's ghost is often seen).
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