At my "sister site" Guns, Gams & Gumshoes, we (being my former PI-partner & current criminal lawyer husband & yours truly) have been blogging about private investigations since 2009. At the end of each year, we tally up readers' top 10 favorite articles. For 2015, the articles ranged from conducting trash hits to the history of private eyes to investigating crime scenes. Handy information for crime fiction writers, fans of legal films and books, armchair legal eagles, and those curious about the world of real-life PIs.
The Thin Man movie trailer with William Powell & Myrna Loy (image is in public domain)
From Guns, Gams & Gumshoes: Readers' Favorite Investigation Articles in 2015
Starting with #10...
10. Private Detective Couples in Fiction and Real Life
9. No Cease and Desist Letters: Four Copyright-Free Image Sites
8. Private Eye Writers of America 2015 Shamus Award Finalists
James Garner (R) as Jim Rockford in The Rockford Files (image is in public domain)
Figure Behind Crime Scene Tape (image licensed by Colleen Collins)
2. How to Conduct a Trash Hit: A Private Investigator's Dumpster Secrets
1. Investigating Crime Scenes: Police vs. Private Investigators
Have a great week, Colleen
All rights reserved by Colleen Collins. Any use of the content requires specific, written authority. Please do not copy or distribute any images noted as copyrighted or licensed. However, any images noted as being in the public domain are yours to freely use.